Saturday, October 25, 2008

Fire and Flora in the Fall 2008

I'm back after an extended trip to the north country. The colors were wonderful. I only wish that the desert had this rage of color in the fall. I took a trip along the Mississippi River to see some fall colors. I may have been a week or two late but was able to snap a few great shots.

This week I went to a class on Marketing my Photography and ART from the local Community College. I did learn a great deal and would like to share with you some thoughts from the class.

First, find a common theme for your photography or art work, become an expert at it, it may be BW, Macro, a picture theme or style. This will define you as an artist.

Second, build yourself a resume; education, experience, awards of your work and participation of Festivals or shows.

Third, research Galleries to see where your art will fit in best, same style or media.

Create a packet showing your work. The packet should include: a DVD Power Point of 5-7 pieces of your work (make sure that the picture is perfect) giving noted details of each piece, a resume, your business card, a printed picture or post card and a self address envelope (so your packet can be returned when they have reviewed it). Sometimes Galleries require slide shots of your work, this is part of your research before you start what the Gallery requirements are.

Your goal should be to have 10 packets out at all times.

These are some quick ideas on how to get started.... Good luck!

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