Sunday, August 31, 2008

Battle of the Bug

Battle of the Bug, originally uploaded by cinda marie.

These two bees were fighting over their spot on this flower. Who would win? The larger bumble bee did win the spar.

This photograph was taken in the garden of Ronald Regan's boyhood home in Dixon, IL. The house has many historical memories of his childhood, acting career and life as a President.

I would like to think that this picture is really saying a statement. These bees are not interested in the dried flora in the background, their only interest was in the fresh nearly perfect bloom with the sweetness. Isn't this a lot like human nature? Looking for the best, prettiest or something that someone else has under their domain? I have to admire the smaller little guy for taking the chance and putting his best foot forward to get what he wanted. We all need to try no matter how difficult the situation might be.

This sunny yellow flower has great color, clarity and simply says it's a sunshine happy day!

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