Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Door to Peace

IMG_3350, originally uploaded by cinda marie.

In memory of 9/11, I'm posting this decay picture taken in Bisbee, Arizona. One symbol says it all "Let there be Peace". How can we accomplish it? We can all work together to make peace in our families, among our friends and co-workers. Just allow it to happen, overlooking the small stuff....and go into the Door of Peace. We have to start somewhere and why not in our own personal environment?

I would like to make a tribute and honor those brave souls on Flight 93. If they had not taken the leap of faith, the attacks would have been even more of a disaster with many more fatalities. I can't even imagine what was going through their minds in the final moments. Selfless acts like this is what makes America so great. Thank you passengers of flight 93. My hat goes off to you today!

Peace be with you!

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