Monday, September 15, 2008

Lighthouse Navy Pier-Chicago

IMG_6232.JPG, originally uploaded by cinda marie.

It was a stormy day, the lifeless grays took over the sky and waters reflection. The gusty twisting winds made it nearly impossible to hold my camera with the telephoto lens, I could only take shots between the blast of air. Is this why they call it the Windy City? I can just feel the cold north winds on the Great Lake Michigan when ships would come into this harbor with supplies and loads. This picture was taken at the Navy Pier in Chicago.

The Navy Pier has been made into an extraordinaire place to stop, you will find shops, carnival rides and many eateries to enjoy. There is a great public park with several pieces of commissioned art work. From this Pier you could take a quick sightseeing boat trip through the downtown area snapping some great pictures of buildings and bridges. You will pass many very interesting unique people to capture on your camera.

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