Tuesday, September 30, 2008

San Diego California 2008

San Diego California 2008, originally uploaded by cinda marie.

It is a wonderful llfe.. As I walked the decks of these old Tall Sail Ships, I wonder what it would be like to be a part of this culture. Would I care if the stock market is down one day and up the next? Would I care if Sarah Palin was a Hockey Mom that wore lipstick and not a pit bull? Would I care that there is a war on the other side of the world? or that I hadn't taken a shower in a week? Probably not.

I would only care about the elements of the earth, the winds and the storms to be at natures mercy. It would show me the calm of the earth on a starry night and the uncontrolled fury that the Seas can bring forth at a moments notice. I would watch the whales and dolphins dance and perform for me , yet shelter their young. I can only imagine the stories that this life on the waters could tell; those of Pirates and those of compassion. People of all ages traveling across an ocean for a better opportunity, a fresh start and looking to accomplish that dream.

We are all looking for that better life... Have a great day!

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